The Gift of Presence

One of my yoga teachers Katrina Woodworth shared this great quote in her recent Movement, Breath & Stillness Yoga newsletter:  “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass, under trees on a summer day, listening to the murmur of water, or watch the clouds float by, is by no means, a waste of time.” — John Lubbock

How will you be present in this moment and the moments of summer?  This month in my weekly classes we are focusing on the breath.  It has the amazing ability to bring us to the present moment, to cultivate beautiful stillness and observation there.

Steady and even, our breath can guide us to a centered place.  Where do you find center?

This morning three birds sang in different places on my roof top.  I love that I thought to take note.  Life gets busy and we don’t always.  The idea of being present has come up several times over the past week — with a friend over dinner who talked about focusing on the grace and blessings rather than failures, with a friend who takes time to be present through out the work day through intentional prayer, with another friend who especially encourages with the gift of presence!

Yoga has stretched my “present” skills.  Breathing and sinking and moving, ebbing through the stillness of mind, body and spirit.  When we are still we can then listen to the still, small Voice.  Happy listening.



Little things in life.
