Summer Reflective Yoga & Writing Series

 ~ Saturdays: June 24, July 29 & August 26 from 12:30 – 2:30 pm ~ 

This playful series at Yoga On the Square will cultivate melting deeply with gentle yoga postures of the mind, body and spirit blended with time and prompts for reflective writing. Expand your inquiry. Each month will focus on a rich theme of self exploration. Attend one or all!

Bring a soft scarf for covering the eyes and gently wrapping the head. Bring paper and pens, pencils or markers that inspire you. No prior experience needed for this low-key free writing, doodling or simply mindful reflection.

Series early registration by 6/20 $55 ~ Pre-register $20 ~ Drop in $25 ~
Pre-register at or
in person at the studio.

Class led by Charity Leonette, 500 RYT and BA in English with Creative Writing focus. She blends writing, prayer, and stillness into her practice and believes that yoga is for everyone. Her special interest in yoga service is supporting the body for rejuvenation and through transitions.